From Chronical Live in the UK:
BACK from the brink, Jack Close grins after being told his swap op was a success.
Doctors told the eight-year-old his bone marrow transplant went well.
Medics broke the news to Jack’s anxious family just as they were concerned he was taking a turn for the worse.
His dad Bryce, 48, said: “It’s fantastic. We weren’t expecting them to know how he was doing until the weekend but the doctors came in and told us the new bone marrow has won against the old.
“For a few days he was great but then he got poorly, he was sick a few times and had a temperature. The doctors weren’t sure whether that was the old bone marrow or the new bone marrow coming through.
“We knew he had to get worse before he could get better. In fact the reason he was poorly was because the new bone marrow was working.”
The Chronicle launched the Give Jack a Chance campaign in September asking people in the North East to register as blood marrow donors in the hope of finding a match.
The Rowlands Gill Primary School pupil suffers from a blood condition, chronic granulomatous disorder, which is destroying his immune system.
The condition means cells in his marrow cannot fight off bacteria and Jack is left open to infection.
Hundreds turned up to a donor session organised by his parents and the Anthony Nolan Trust in his home village of Rowlands Gill, wanting to go on the list of potential donors.
Happily a match was found in October and he was admitted to Newcastle General Hospital where he was given a course of chemotherapy in preparation for his operation on February 28.
Despite losing his hair because of the treatment, Jack is said to delighted.
Bryce said: “He was still feeling very poorly when the doctors came round. But when I explained to him what it meant he perked right up. It’s such a relief for him and everyone.
“I’ve rung all our family and his friends to tell them and everyone’s so happy. Now we can really enjoy Easter.”
Taxi driver Bryce, dinner lady mum Laura, 39, and Jack’s sister, 12-year-old Lyndsay, are now hoping they will soon be able to welcome him home, although he will have to be kept in isolation to prevent him catching any infections.
Bryce added: “The way the doctors are talking he might get out for a walk around the hospital in a week or two. And several days after that he will be able to go home, although he will have to come back for tests.”
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