Value of organ donation advocated
From the Daily Press in Virginia:
On Nov. 11, Second Baptist Church East End joined with The Links Inc., an African-American women's service organization, to raise awareness of the need to increase organ donation in the African-American community.
The church participated by having a program featuring a DVD relating the need of donors and a transplant recipient shared his personal experiences.
The Links learned that African-Americans are at risk for many health conditions, such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity and diabetes, which can lead to the need for a transplant. Although only 12 percent of the U.S. population is African-American, 35 percent of those on the national kidney transplant waiting list are black. Read the full story.
Colleges and Companies Ask Ohioans to Do It Now! and Register as an Organ & Tissue Donor
From PRNewswire in Columbus, Ohio.
The need is great. In Ohio, nearly 3,000 people are waiting for a life saving organ transplant. One Ohioan dies every other day waiting for a transplant.
Colleges and companies throughout Ohio are spearheading a statewide effort to dramatically increase the number of registered organ and tissue donors by encouraging Ohioans to Do It Now! -- and save lives.
As part of a nationally directed goal from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the state of Ohio has been challenged to increase new organ and tissue donor registrations by 20 percent by April 2008. In working to accomplish that goal, Donate Life Ohio (DLO), its affiliated organ procurement organizations (OPOs), tissue and eye recovery agencies and the Second Chance Trust Fund, are launching the Do It Now! donor registration campaign.
Ohio colleges and companies are critical partners in helping achieve this challenging but worthwhile goal, which is aimed at the millions of Ohioans who are eligible but not currently registered.
"The need for more registered organ donors is urgent when you consider that less than one percent of all hospital deaths meet the criteria for organ donation, just one in a hundred," said Art Thomson, Chairman of the Second Chance Trust Fund. "People have the power to save the lives of up to eight people and heal up to 50 more through tissue donation. They just need to do it now and register." Read the full article.
Save a life. Sign up

HER MEMORY BRINGS HOPE: Jade Stoner, 7, who died following a road accident near her home at Somerford in Christchurch
Now we are asking as many people as possible to sign up to the organ donation register to help give the 9,000 people awaiting a transplant, the chance for life.
With this week marking the 40th anniversary of the world's first heart transplant, we are encouraging our readers to take a moment and consider the life-saving choice before a tragic turn of events forces the decision upon them.
In choosing to donate their seven-year-old daughter's organs, the family has helped to save four lives, including those of two babies who received Jade's heart and liver.
When Debbie Stoner released the personal image to raise the campaign's profile, she never expected the staggering response she received. Readthe complete article.
“You Have the Power to Save Lives – Sign Your Donor Card & Tell Your Loved Ones of Your Decision”
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