The walkers completed the 120 mile/200km walk Friday April 27th at 5:30 P.M. in 6 days, 2 days ahead of their plan. The next step will take place on Monday April 30th in London. They will be walking to the University Hospital from the corner of Fanshawe Park Rd. & Richmond (approx. 1 mile or 1.5km.) Everyone is welcome to join them. They are meeting at 9:30 A.M. at the corner of Fanshawe Park Rd. and Richmond St. in the plaza with the Petro Canada Gas Station and Richies Restaurant.
Dr. Wall who performed Tom's transplant and members of the medical team along with members of The Trillium Gift of Life Network will greet them with a special celebration and reception at 11:00 A.M. at the University Hospital on the 4th floor.
65-year-old liver transplant recipient, Tom Awad, is walking from Windsor, Ontario to London, Ontario during Canadian National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (NOTDAW), April 22-29 to pay tribute to his donor and organ donor families across Canada.
The walk is scheduled to proceed from Festival Plaza, Riverside Drive, in Windsor Sunday April 22nd at 9:00 am and proceed to Cabana Rd. (County Rd.42) through St. Joachim to highway # 2 to Tilbury, then onto Chatham.
They will then walk through Louisville, Thamesville, Wardsville, Strathburn, Melbourne, Lambeth, to London’s University Hospital, the sight of Tom’s transplant and visit the medical team that nurtured him back to health.
Family, friends and the general public are invited to walk the first 2 km. with Roger and Tom as the Windsor Family Credit Union (WFCU) sends them off. Roger Awad, age 64, will be supporting his brother Tom by joining him. Aside from creating organ donation awareness, they will be raising funds for the 2008 Canadian Transplant Games being held in Windsor, Ontario. Between 400 and 500 transplant athletes and their families will be participating in the Olympic style games to celebrate the “Gift of Life” they received and to honor their donors and their families. The University of Windsor is hosting the events at their new stadium.
See the poster below for all the details.
click image for larger picture

“You Have the Power to Save Lives – Sign Your Donor Card & Tell Your Loved Ones of Your Decision”
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