Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why did a 50-year-old woman throw herself off freeway overpass?

This story on MSNBC tells the desperate plight of a woman in need of a lung transplant but unable to pay for it and her tragic way of dealing with it.

The Orange County Register (California)
ANAHEIM - The drone of car tires on a 91 freeway overpass is clearly audible from the open window of Sally Brown's bedroom. The 50-year-old Anaheim woman used to sit on her bed near a stack of discarded oxygen tanks, listening to it.

On Jan. 10, she left her room, drove to the top of that overpass and threw herself off.

Brown's suicidal act and its bloody aftermath shocked and distressed more than her family. Commuters unable to stop as Brown's body hurtled to earth must live with the trauma of what they saw , or were forced to do. Read all of this tragic story.

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