Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Heart Transplant Christmas Party Thursday, December 8, 2005 1pm to 4pm

(This announcment was received from the Heartlinks Group.)

Location: 11th Floor, Room 1135, Fujisawa Conference Room
Directions: Take elevators from University Avenue lobby to the 11th floor west, Room 1135 NCSB (NCSB - New Clinical Services Building, Toronto General Hospital)

HeartLinks, the heart transplant patients of the Toronto General Hospital are once again holding our Annual Christmas Party for pre and post heart transplant patients, their supports, doctors, nurses, and all other medical staff. As usual, this is a potluck affair, and we would appreciate any type of finger food. You can bring sandwiches, cheese plates, veggie plates, deserts of any type, etc. We will have coffee and tea. We always have a wonderful array of food as anyone who has gone before can attest to. We are holding it in the regular meeting room on the 11th floor of the McEwen Wing, on Thursday, December 8th, 2005. 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Please come early and enjoy meeting with old friends, and hospital staff. It is a great time to connect with post transplant patients, and get to know those pre-transplants on the list at the moment. We look forward to seeing you all there. Info: Heartlinks

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