Saturday, October 25th 12 noon GMT - for times & locations around the world click here - A 5km walk across 5 continents at the same time to raise awareness for organ donation and transplantation (Toronto's walk starts at Toronto General Hospital - see info below)

Walk founder Australian transplant recipient Sophie Morell
read Sophie's story at theage.com.au
One step, one time, one world,
one vision, one question:
Will you walk one step at a time?
The World’s Biggest Walk is the only global event that knows no borders or state lines and has one vision. We all have a choice and a voice, through the power of our feet.
Register today and be part of a life changing event that will make a difference to someone’s life perhaps a life of someone you may not even know. Anybody can participate. Invite your friends to join you, register as many people as possible for the World’s Biggest Walk. No event currently exists in our community on a global scale, so register to be part of the World’s Biggest Walk from the start and enjoy the fun as well as the challenge.
Be part of a global event to remind your family of your intentions.
You can walk around a local park, school or town. If you like, you can trek across a desert or hike up a mountain.
Why walk 5km? Simple: 1km for each continent: Africa, Americas, Asia, Australasia and Europe.
How can I participate in the Worlds Biggest Walk? Register today and be part of a life changing event that will make a difference to someone’s life perhaps a life of someone you may not even know. The Worlds Biggest Walk is FREE for anyone who wishes to participate.
Toronto's walk:
Start at Toronto General Hospital - 585 University Ave - register 7:30am
Photo 7:50am - Start 8am sharp!
Contact Amy Holdorf, 647-886-8940 - amyholdorf@txworks.ca
(Amy is Vice-President, East, Canadian Transplant Association, a kidney transplant recipient, a volunteer for Trillium Gift of Life Network, has participated in world, U.S and Canadian transplant games and is a tireless worker for organ donation awareness and transplantation. Amy is a research scientist in Toronto and is from Oskosh, Wisconsin and received her kidney from her mother. Let's have a big turnout on October 25th to show our support. Merv.)
“You Have the Power to Save Lives – Sign Your Donor Card & Tell Your Loved Ones of Your Decision”
Register to be a donor in Ontario or Download Donor Cards from Trillium Gift of Life Network
For other Canadian provinces click here
In the United States, be sure to find out how to register in your state at ShareYourLife.org or Download Donor Cards from OrganDonor.Gov
Your generosity can save up to eight lives with heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas and small intestine transplants. One tissue donor can help up to 100 other people by donating skin, corneas, bone, tendon, ligaments and heart valves
1 comment:
It is demonstrate that the hypothermic techniques of conservation of organs to transplant drained their possibilities of progress. In their substitution it is intends the ACTIVE CONSERVATION OF THE ORGANS IN NORMOTHERMIA. To improve the life quality of the future transplanted patients, all of us must request to the scientific community so that it designs a normothermic conservation device: http://transpjgsengl.blogspot.com
Eng. Jorge Germán Seijas
Buenos Aires - Argentina
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